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Chimney Rocks Park

Chimney Rocks Park

Rock with a trailIn 1994, Chimney Rocks and the surrounding property was purchased by the Borough. The site was developed extensively to provide for ease of access. Currently the site consists of picnic areas where concerts and other community activities take place. Many of the trails have been improved, and handicap access is available to the picnic areas and one of the overlooks. Safety measures such as handrails and public rest room facilities have also been added, making Chimney Rocks an ideal stop to relax and enjoy the dynamic vista offered to visitors.

Click Here for a Map to Chimney Rocks Park

The physical address of Chimney Rocks Park is 143 Clapper Lane, Hollidaysburg PA.


treesThe Chimney Rocks site has historically provided Hollidaysburg residents a dramatic panoramic view of the Borough and its surrounding area. The rocks are also reproduced on the seal of the Borough of Hollidaysburg, and has a 20 foot high lighted star placed there during the holiday season.

Previously, the stunning limestone pillars atop the ridge had been visited informally by almost every resident with the physical ability to climb the face.

Many a resident will ask another if you have ever sat in the Chief's seat, which is a rock pad atop the limestone pillars. Local lore claims the Chief of the local Native American tribe would sit in this area and view his tribe.

Pavilion Rentals

trail with hill beside itThe pavilion at the park is available for rental for weddings, picnics, group outings, or family reunions, etc. to residents and to non-residents. There is no electricity to the pavilion and also no alcoholic beverages are permitted.

There is a security deposit (refundable) and rental fee. For more information you may call the Borough Secretary Patricia Duron (Patti) in the Manager's Office at (814) 695-7543, ext. 301.